IELTS Part 1 Speaking Topic: Efficiency
1. Do you prefer to study in the
morning or in the evening?
Definitely in the morning. I feel at my optimal level of
performance when I first wake up in the morning after a cup of coffee.
So, I like to get my studying out of the way (to get
something done so you don’t have to worry about it) so I can relax more
throughout the day. When I try to study in the evening, I tend to be too tired
and unfocused.
2. What do you do to improve
your efficiency?
Exercise! When I feel unmotivated or unfocused, exercise
is the number one thing that keeps me on track (keep me focused). Second
of all, taking a short break and coming back to my work with new, fresh ideas
helps a bunch (a lot). Last of all, balancing work and my personal life
helps me to perform to my best ability.
3. Why do some people find it
difficult to focus in the morning?
Well, there could be a few different reasons. For one, I
think many people don’t feel energized. Second of all, they may be distracted
by all of the tasks they must complete that day. Lastly, they simply just may
not be morning people (people who like the morning).